Actors With Issues
The Kayden Gordon Show
The Brent Allen Show/iHeart
Actress & The Brink Author Jaime Andrews Interview | The Struggle of Addiction and Hollywood
'Cuz I Have To Podcast
Too Opinionated Podcast
Entertainment Zone
Listen to "Entertainment Zone Paul Amadeus Lane" on Spreaker.The Official Concept Podcast
Naluda Magazine
Interview with Author, Actress, Producer, and Writer Jaime Andrews
Authority Magazine
Social Impact Authors: How & Why Author Jaime Andrews Is Helping To Change Our World
Rough Draft Atlanta
In conversation with actress and author Jaime Andrews
YV Media
Actress & Author Jaime Andrews Talks to YV Media About Her Career and The Brink: A Memoir
Front Page Pop Culture
Interview With Actress & 'The Brink' Author Jaime Andrews
Digital Journal
Jaime Andrews talks about ‘The Brink: A Memoir,’ and the digital age
Vents Magazine
Bold Journey
The LA Note
Shoutout Atlanta
Meet Jaime Andrews | Actress, Writer & Producer
Here's some nice stuff that people not related to me have said...
for "Division":
"Andrews turns in a one-of-a-kind performance…[she] is terrific in a complicated role." -Film Threat
"Division is flawless, a daunting character study that ends on the perfect note... Andrews has written a realistic, relatable drama with three-dimensional characters." -Film Threat
"Fast-paced...a real gut-punch" -ReelTalkLady
"The setup is intriguing and the actors are compelling" -Fantastica Daily
" excellent film. The acting [is] first rate." -BVS Reviews
for "Cookie and the Monster":
"Scathingly brilliant... a personal fringe highlight." -Paul Birchall,
Stage Raw
"A quick-witted, delightfully off-centered comedy so black
it’s in danger of leaving bruises." -Travis Michael Holder- Arts In LA
Read more reviews of
Cookie and the Monster here!
for "Absolutely Filthy":
"A consistently pitch-perfect ensemble" -Hollywood Reporter
"The cast is solid across the board...comedy
-LA Weekly
for "Baal":
"The ensemble is terrific, with particularly nice cameo performances by Jaime Andrews, Jay Bogdanowitsch, Alyssa Preston and Alexis Wolfe." -Steven Leigh Morris, LA Weekly - GO!
"[Sims] receives admirable support from Rosati, Wolfe, and Jaime Andrews as the women in Baal's life." -Neal Weaver, Backstage West
for "The End of Civilization":
"Johnson and Andrews display their marital torments in persuasive three dimensions." -Deborah Klugman, LA Weekly
"Andrews is perfect as the frightened and alienated wife" -Beth Temkin, Tolucan Times
"Andrews has a compelling voice" -Melonie Magruder, Burbank Leader
for "Tom, Dick & Harry":
"The comic momentum hurtles forward at the speed of a bullet train...The dialogue sounds spontaneous and the characters' desperation -- not to mention perspiration -- looks real...the cast projects enough charm and goodwill (as well as good looks) to distract from rough patches. -David Ng, Critic's Choice/LA Times
"Jaime Andrews in a strong showing" -Madeleine Shaner, Backstage West
"Great cast...impeccable coming timing from all its actors...Jaime Andrews and Lou Briggs, as the hapless refugees, deserve a special commendation for doing their roles entirely in a foreign (made up?) language." -A.K. Whitney, Press Telegram [ps. it's really Albanian!]
"Jaime Andrews has loads of fun as peasant girl Katerina." -Steven Stanley,
for "Wretched":
"The performances by Joe Bob Briggs and Jaime Andrews are pitch-perfect...Andrews plays Jenny with wide-eyed confusion...expertly acted."
for "The Gas House":
"Producer Jaime Andrews played Adria in the New York production, and we can thank her for introducing L.A. audiences to this brief but powerful look at a couple for whom love was not enough." -Steven Stanley,
for "The Swine Show":
"The terrific ensemble circles [Swine] like vultures on acid, playing dozens of roles with rapt versatility...everyone is an unhinged hoot." -David C. Nichols, LA Times
"Plunkett’s direction and ensemble are sharp and smart." -Amy Nicholson, LA Weekly
for "Serial Killers":
"In this episode, Abi (the phenomenal Jaime Andrews) is unsure of her relationship with Tony (Michael Lanahan)." -Mary Montoro,
"The best part was watching the wonderful Jaime Andrews, who played the Human Resources lady Chin Liu, stretching her comedic talents beyond the limit...Andrews, who is in many productions, won for Most Actress, [and] shines in the starring role in writer Bob DeRosa's Zombibi!" Mary Montoro, SOCAL.COM
for "La Bete":
"Act 2 introduces Elomire's company - Jaime Andrews, Yvonne Fisher, Michael Lanahan, Dan Wingard and Heather Witt - a delicious comic unit." -David C. Nichols, LA TIMES
"The ensemble members (Rebecca Rhae Larsen, Heather Witt, Dan Wingard, Jaime Andrews, Michael Lanahan, and Yvonne Fisher) are perfect foils for the merriment." -Melinda Schupmann, BACKSTAGE WEST
for "600 Days of Pain":
"Wigs, props, and funny voices define the various characters, with Jaime Andrews scoring impressively as the distracted temp agency flunky and the very strange personnel person from Johnson & Taylor." -Martin Denton, NYTHEATRE.COM
for "Fifteen Minutes," Edinburgh Festival '02:
"It's a lovely scene actually, played well by Jaime Andrews and Laura Nupponen - very sexual and powerful with just the right degree of innocence." -EDINBURGHGUIDE.COM
"Jaime Andrews does a good turn as the slightly predatory lesbian who 'turns' Anne." -HAIRLINE Independent Fringe Review
for "'Tis Pity She's a Whore":
"Jaime Andrews as Annabella, and Lisa Raymond as Giovanni, are really very good." -CULTUREVULTURE.NET
"Lisa Raymond and Jaime Andrews as the brother and sister are about the only two performers who bring much color to their roles." -TALKINBROADWAY.COM
"...Cacioppo's lyrics are...sung with energy, and in the cases of Jaime Andrews (Annabella) and Rachel diCerbo (Hippolita), with vocal skill. -Aaron Leichter, NYTHEATRE.COM
for "It's a Haunted Happenin!":
"The Lucille Ball of B-Movies." -DR. SQUID
"Bishow enjoys his most talented cast to date, especially Jaime Andrews who is channeling Lou Costello as the Soultanglers clumsy, perpetually terrified guitarist giving an endearing, fully professional performance." -VIDEO WATCHDOG
"Although all the girl rockers are suitably adorable, special mention must be given to Jaime Andrews, who plays Zera, the Soul Tanglers' bundle of nerves guitar player. In her Clash shirt and sweatbands, she's like a cross between Lucille Ball and Joan Jett, a screwball riot grrrl...She's a charmer, this one, with impeccable comic timing." -SLEAZEGRINDER
"I'd particularly like to praise supercool Jaime Andrews, whose excellent comedic skills make me wanna see more." -SHEMP! Zine
"Also, keep your peepers peeled for the highly animated, muggilicious Jaime Andrews (imagine a scruffier, punk-charged Jenna Elfman) - big things surely await her." -HORRORWOOD BABBLE ON
"I LOVE JAIME ANDREWS, I MEAN, I LITERALLY AM IN LOVE WITH JAIME ANDREWS: A few years from now you will be saying, "I made a movie once for $3500 and Jaime Andrews starred in it." She is gorgeous and hilarious, her comic timing is perfect, she knows exactly how much zaniness to put in, depending on the schtick she is doing in a given scene. Someday she will be Sandy Bullock's comic relief gal-pal in some big Hollywood flick." -John Marshall, CULT MOVIES MAGAZINE